Dental Lab Customer & Production Management

Add to Customer

Add to Customer

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Add to Customer

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Add to Customer Complaint in Complaint manager form will open the Customer Complaint Investigation form and the customer details of the customer that is already selected in Customer Complaint Manager will be automatically filled in.

Each customer has the option  to register a complaint for each case that was not properly managed. To see the Customer Complaint form description with details of all the available fields please read this topic.    




Navigation: You may open the Complaint Manager form from the Main menu and view complaints for all existing Customers. Or you may select a specific customer and open the Complaint Manager from the Customer menu that appears once the Customer form is open. (For more details please see this topic)


How to Register a Customer Complaint

1.On the Customer Complaint Manager form click on Add to Customer.

2.Select the Customer on Select a Customer for this case form.

3.The Customer Complaint Investigation form appears:

V12 - Customer Complaint - register complaint

Complaint Investigation form

1.The complaint investigation form displays and there are several tabs on the form:

Submission - used to fill in details when complaint is submitted by the user that adds the complaint

Evaluation - The person who evaluates the complaint fills in details on this tab

QA Review - Quality Assurance details are entered on this tab

Attachments - used for any attachments

Log - created to keep track of all updates that are made for the selected complaint

Status- Section to specify the complaint status

Please Note: Details of what represents each option on these six tabs can be read here.

2.Click V9 - Save after entering the correct information.

Also Note: Once the complaint is submitted further updates can be made in the Customer Complaint Manager form


See also:

Customer Complaint Manager