
Case Enclosures, also referenced as Materials, are items that may be received along with the Case. It is strongly recommended that the enclosures are tracked by adding them in the appropriate section during the Case Entry process. Multiple Enclosures can be added at once.



Enclosures -> Path: Administrator > Settings  or   V11 - Settingson Home Page  > General > Laboratory Lists > Enclosures


Navigation:   Cases  > New or Edit Case > Enclosures tab

Create or open a case for edit. For more details about creating a case see How to create a case section.


In this topic a new case is created, but the process is the same with an existing case that is not invoiced. An Invoiced case cannot be updated

V12 - add enclosure - form

New Case form without any Enclosure added yet

hmtoggle_arrow1Add multiple Enclosures to a case


Edit Enclosures list - please read this topic for details

Delete Enclosure from the list - please read this topic for details



See also:

How to add Products to a case

Add Attachments to a Case