The Main Customer tab is the first tab that opens once the Customer form is selected. This form displays the most important information related to the selected customer such as: Name, Address, Phone Numbers, Labs, Calls, E-mail and much more.
Navigation: Customers > Main
Customer main form
1. Name information such as: •First Name, Last Name, Prefix, Suffix, Dear, Title, Phonetic, Practice Name and Dental Group. 2. Address information including: •Address 1, Address 2, City, State, Prov., County, Country, Zip Code. Please Note: When a customer's address is changed a prompt displays: "Would you like to update Open Cases & Cases Invoiced but not Shipped with the new address?" This is an enhancement to only update open cases and will help to ensure cases in the Shipping Manager are updated with the new address for shipping. 3. Phone numbers: •Dialing Prefix, Office, Fax, Cell, Other. To call the customer, click on the 4. The Customer can be Active or Prospect. Customers that are set as a Prospect cannot create cases. 5. Next there are two options to check: •Never Send Collection Letter - If checked, collection letters will not be sent. •Do not Send Marketing Material - If checked, marketing material will not be sent. 6. For the following fields, you must define values in the Global Settings. •Sales Person - File > Global Settings > CRM Lists > Customers > Sales people. •Source - File > Global Settings > CRM Lists > Customers > Sources. •Source Name - File > Global Settings > CRM Lists > Customers > Sources Names. •Type - File > Global Settings > CRM Lists > Customers > Types. •Specialty - File > Global Settings > CRM Lists > Customers > Specialties. •Customer Class - File > Global Settings > CRM Lists > Customers > Classes. •Invoicing Lab - File > Global Settings > Global > Laboratory lists > Laboratories. Note: Make sure that the lab has the This Lab is for Invoicing option checked in the selected Lab's settings, otherwise it will not be displayed in this field. •Territory - File > Global Settings > CRM Lists > Customers > Territories. •Technical Advisor - File > Global Settings > CRM Lists > Customers > Technical Advisors. •CSR Advisor - File > Global Settings > CRM Lists > Customers > CSR Advisors. 7. Contact Method - Select between Email, Phone, or Text Message. 8. Referred By, Web URL 9. E-Mail - If desired, you can enter multiple comma separated emails in this field. 10. Primary Contact - Enter contact name. 11. Following Tabs are on the bottom section: •Pending Calls - Displays all calls with Pending status. To see how to add a call visit this page. •Personal Notes - Enter any notes and click Save. These notes are intended for capturing brief personal information about the customer. •Office Hours - Enter Office Hours. •Holiday - A red warning message will display on case edit if the Due Date is set on a customer holiday. Saving the case will be prevented if the case validation option in Global Settings is set to force the conflict. A red warning box will display at the bottom left of the Customer form and Call Lists if the current day is a customer holiday.
Please Note: You can make any changes by simply typing or selecting the new information and then clicking Save on the left menu. Save or Cancel |
See also: