Dental Lab Customer & Production Management

Set up and Configuration

Set up and Configuration

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Set up and Configuration

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 The set up and configuration for Digital Case Import consists of the following steps:

1.Configure Product mapping to define the restoration and material. DLCPM has already created the default Restoration and Material, but each lab has to map them to their products. Please contact our support if you would like to provide an Excel to be imported for you.

2.Configure Lab Default CustomerID for each Scanner

3.Decide if zip file should be attached or unzipped and contents to be attached

4.Configure the desktop for operators who will be downloading the files

5.Activate the Automation Server to process the files


hmtoggle_arrow1        Configure Product Mapping


hmtoggle_arrow1Configure Lab Default CustomerID


hmtoggle_arrow1Desktop Configuration


hmtoggle_arrow1Activating the Automation Server


hmtoggle_arrow1AppServer Configuration:


See also:

Digital Case Import
