Dental Lab Customer & Production Management

Notes & Instructions

Notes & Instructions

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Notes & Instructions

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This tab has several text panels in which notes regarding different preferences are entered. In the left section there are several Read-Only Notes and Preferences. Text can be loaded or edited. Next are the Workorder notes and the Delivery Notes. Users may check the checkbox option to allow overwrite to add, modify or delete any of the preferences.

Please note that when adding or editing products, the Products and Tasks Preferences do not refresh dynamically to optimize performance. To view the preferences from the latest list of products, you will have to click on the 'Load' button, switch tabs, or save and open the case again.


Navigation:   See Add new Case

V12 - Notes and Instructions tab

4. Notes and Instructions tab

Instructions - preferences or instructions will automatically populate from the settings configured in the customer settings. Users may check the checkbox option to allow overwrite to add, modify or delete any of the preferences.

Task Preferences

Web RX Preferences

Web Comments - is for comments that will display to customers on the customer Web Portal.

Remote Instructions (LXP)

Technician Comments

Workorder Notes - users can manually type in notes and those will display on the work order. You can load Common Notes and add Stamp.

Delivery Notes - display any notes specific for delivery of this case. Users can manually type in any message in this field


See also:

Case form Description