Dental Lab Customer & Production Management

Tool Manager

Tool Manager

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Tool Manager

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Tool Manager is very similar to Cases page where labs can add a Tool and Tool Products. A given tool loan record may have multiple tools. A tool loan may be linked to an existing case (not required). Return date is required. If not returned, customer will be automatically Invoiced. Once a Tool Loan is invoiced, the Invoice number will be displayed.  


Navigation: Tools > Tool Manager                

V12 - Tool Manager - navigation

Tool Manager navigation

The following form will open:

V12 - Tool Manager -form

Tool Manager form


The Tool Manager form displays current information of the Tool Loans.


Query section- You may select an existing query from the drop-down list, which includes: All Records, Invoiced, Open, Due in next 3 Days, Due to Invoice Today, Tools Invoiced Today, Tools Invoiced Yesterday, Tools Ready to Ship.

Customer section- (top of the form) Displays limited customer information related to the selected Tool Loan. All fields in this section are for display only and are created to provide information about the customer with the loaned tool.

         From this section, you can easily contact the customer by clicking on:

V9 - Call - Telephone - call selected customer

V9 - E-mail - envelope- send E-mail to selected customer


Grid section- In the middle of the form is the grid where the Tool are displayed. A given tool loan record may have multiple tools. The Tools are visible on the Product tab. Next is Audit Trail tab which keeps track of the changes made on the selected record.

Available options for Loan record:

V9 - Add - short - New Tool Loan

V9 - Edit - short button - Edit Tool Loan

V9 - Delete - short button - Delete Tool Loan

V9 - Print - block - Print Options:

Delivery Slip

Return Slip

Invoice for Selected Tool Loan

Invoices for Date Range

V9 - Create Shipment - short - Create Shipment

V9 - E-mail - envelope - E-mail Return Slip

V9 - Mark as retuned - Mark as Retuned

V9 - Cancel Retunr - Cancel Return

V9 - Open Case - white background - Open Case - displays Edit Case form

V9 - Open Invoice - Open Invoice - opens case form if case is invoiced

V9 - Go to Customer - Go to Customer - opens the Customer form and displays details of the customer that correspond to the selected case.

V9 - Track Shipment - Track Shipment

V9 - Refresh - Refresh - refresh the page

V9 - Close - arrow - Close - closes the form


Available options for Tools of the Loan record (on the Product tab)

V9 - Add Tool Record - Add Tool Product

V9 - Edit - Edit Tool Product

V9 - Delete - Delete Tool Product

V9 - Mark Product Retumed -Mark Product Retuned

V9 - Cancel Product Return - Cancel Product Return

Tool Notes - Two text box are displayed to show Tool and Loan record text information.


On right Click

New Tool Loan

Edit Tool Loan

Delete Tool Loan

Create Shipment

Void Shipment

View Shipping Label

Print Delivery Slip

Print Return Slip

Print Invoice for Selected Tool Loan

Print Tool Invoice for Date Range


See also:

Loan Tools