How to print the delivery slip on Tool Manager form
1.Navigate to Tools > Tool Manager 2.Select the Tool Number 3.Click on Print Delivery Slip 4.Delivery Slip gets printed. |
1.Open Tools Loan Form: •Select the case you want to print the Delivery Slip for on Customer > 4.Cases form, or search for it in Case Finder. ➢Right Click on the Case and select Loan Tools ➢or click on Tools Loaned Tab and •or, after opening the Customer form and selecting the customer, navigate to Customer > Loan Tool •or navigate to Tools > Tool Manager, and click on 2.Tools Loan form should be displayed. 3.Enter necessary info. 4.Check Print the Delivery slip. Print Delivery Slip option 5.Click 6.Delivery Slip gets printed. |
The following information will display on the Delivery Slip: Delivery Slip 1.Delivery Slip Number is the same as the case number. 2.Date when Tool(s) must be returned. 3.Lab Name and Address 4.Customer Info 5.Case Number and Patient Name 6.Loaned Tools (quantity, name, description and unit Price 7.Invoice Notes if there were any. |
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