You can create a call directly from a case by right clicking on the case and selecting 'New Call.' Alternatively, if you already created the call, you can manually link the call to a case from the call form.
Navigation: Customer > 3. Calls and Notes > Add new call (or edit an existing one)
Calls and Notes form
1.Create or open an existing call in order to access the Case and Patient Information. For detailed instructions on how to Add and Edit Calls, please see this topic. 2.Click on the 3.The Case finder form will open. 4.Search for the case you want to link to this Call. If the case has previous Call Notes, those will display on the lower portion of the form. 5.Click Select. Case and Patient Information is added Information: Once a case is associated with the call, the following options will be available: ➢ ➢ ➢ ➢ ➢ Print this note on Workorder - If checked, the new notes will be printed on the case Workorder. ➢ Print Workorder on Save - If checked, the Workorder will be printed immediately after the call is saved. ➢ Add this note to Invoice Notes - If checked, the new notes will be printed on the case Invoice. ➢ Share New Notes With: Technician @ Technician Bench - If checked, these notes will be available on the Technician Bench. |
1.On the 3.Calls and Notes tab on Customer form select the call that has the case linked. Note: This option is not available if case is not linked to the call. 2. Click on • •or right click on the call and select Open related case • or open the call to edit and click on 3.Linked case details are displayed. Note: Additionally My Calls, Pending Call list on the Main Page and Department Calls have a menu option on the left panel to perform the same function |
1.On the 3. Calls and Notes tab of the Customer form, select a call that has a linked case. •Click on the •or right click on the call and select View Related Case Images, •or open the call and click on the 2.The Case Images and Attachment form will open and display a list of files attached to the case. View related Case Documents ➢ Select the file you wish to open. ➢ Click ➢ New attachments can be added by clicking on the ➢ Click Close to close the form and return to the previous screen. |
See also: