Dental Lab Customer & Production Management



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Applying invoices and payments to  your existing QuickBooks database has never been simpler with built -in integration with Intuit QuickBooks. Enjoy the ease of having a complete accounting system as DLCPM transfers invoices and payments to QuickBooks. Take advantage of the simplicity of QuickBooks and accurately maintain account balances, process accounts receivables, and monthly statements for all of your customers with this powerful integration.  

Note: QuickBooks integration is available for US customers only.


In this section you need to configure the basic settings for Accounts Receivable and QuickBooks in order to suit your needs. Also the E-mail Sender is set here, for the e-mail name and address that will be used when emailing Statements. If left blank, the email address of the user who is signed in will be used.


Navigation:       File > Global Settings > Global > Accounting

V12 - Accounting

Accounting form


Available tabs:

Accounts Receivable

Quick Books

Lock Box


Tax Integration