Dental Lab Customer & Production Management

Multiple Pans

Multiple Pans

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Multiple Pans

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You may add multiple pans by checking the checkbox and entering Pan Numbers, or you may leave the checkbox unchecked and enter value in Pan # field


Navigation:   Customer > 4. Cases    


1.Create or open a case for edit. For more details about creating a case see How to create a case section.

V12 - Multiple pan - navigation

Multiple Pan Option

2. Check Multiple Pan option

3.Click on V9 - Pans

4.Case Pans form displays

V12 - Multiple pan - form

Multiple Pan form

5.Add pan:

Click V9 - Add

Enter Pan Number

Click V9 - Save

6.Modify pan

Select pan number

Click V9 - Edit

Make changes

Click V9 - Save

7.Delete pan

Select pan number

Click V9 - Delete

Select Yes when asked for confirmation.

8.Click V9 - Close

See also:
