Dental Lab Customer & Production Management

Modify Billing Account

Modify Billing Account

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Modify Billing Account

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1.Navigate to Billing Accounts form

V12 - Billing accounts - form

Billing Accounts form

2.Find the account you wish to update.

3.Click on V9 - Modify

4.Add Billing Account form displays:

V12 - Billing accounts - modify billing account

Add Billing Account

5.Make any necessary changes to the billing account info

6.In addition to the billing account creation form is the Associated Customer menu where you can enter customers that will be associated with the existing account.

To add a customer to the billing account

Click on the V9 - Add Customer button

Select the customer you wish to add from the Customer search form

If the selected customer already belongs to a different account number then you will receive the following message: "Customer ..... is assigned to ...... Billing Account. Are you sure you want to switch to ......... ?" Select Yes if you wish to continue to add this customer, or No to cancel and search another customer.

To remove a customer you need to select it and click on V9 - Remove Customer. The customer will be deleted from the billing account.

Please Note: You do not need to edit a Billing Account in order to add or remove customers. These operations can be also done on the Billing Accounts form.

7.Click V9 - Save


See also:

Billing Accounts

Billing Accounts Payment Manager

How to Post a Payment

How to create Statement