Dental Lab Customer & Production Management

Tool Loan and maintenance

Tool Loan and maintenance

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Tool Loan and maintenance

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This is a complete system for labs that may loan tools to their doctors. The tools are to be returned on a specified date and if not returned, doctors will be invoiced for the tool.


Navigation: You may access the Loan Tool form by several navigation paths:          

Customer > Loan Tool - > Customer, Doctor Name and Lab will be automatically filled in reflecting the customer info that was previously selected.

Customer > Cases > Right Click > Loan Tool - > If tool loan record is added from here, it is automatically linked to a case.

Customer > Cases > Tools Loan tab > V9 - Add Tool - > If tool loan record is added from here, it is automatically linked to a case.

Case Finder > Tools Loan tab > V9 - Add Tool - > If tool loan record is added from here, it is automatically linked to a case.

Tools > Tool Manager > V9 - Add - short New Tool Loan -> All fields are empty

Because all the initially populated fields can be changed, we will describe the situation when Loan Tool Form is opened through Tool Manager form and nothing is filled in by default.


hmtoggle_arrow1Add Tool Loan

hmtoggle_arrow1Edit Tool Loan

hmtoggle_arrow1Delete Tool Loan


See also:

Tool Manager