Dental Lab Customer & Production Management

Add and maintain Tool Product

Add and maintain Tool Product

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Add and maintain Tool Product

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A given tool loan record may have multiple tools. On the File > Global Settings > Global > Products & Tasks Lists > Products form, a check box called This Product is a Tool has been added. When entering a new tool loan, only products with the box checked for tool are displayed .    


Navigation: Open Tools Loan form in order to add or edit Loan, or to navigate to Tool Manager form and add products without opening the existing Loan.

You may access the Loan Tool form by several navigation paths:  

Customer > Loan Tool

Customer > Cases > Right Click > Loan Tool

Customer > Cases > Tools Loan tab > V9 - Add Tool

Customer > Cases > Tools Loan tab > V9 - Edit Tool

Case Finder > Tools Loan tab > V9 - Add Tool

Case Finder > Tools Loan tab > V9 - Edit Tool

Tools > Tool Manager > V9 - Add - short New Tool Loan

Tools > Tool Manager > V9 - Edit - short button Edit Tool Loan


Add Products on Tool Manager form

Tools > Tool Manager > Products tab



hmtoggle_arrow1Add Product Tools on Tool Loan form

hmtoggle_arrow1Edit Product Tools on Tool Loan form

hmtoggle_arrow1Remove  Product Tools from Tool Loan form

hmtoggle_arrow1Add Product Tools on Tool Manager form

hmtoggle_arrow1Edit Product Tools on Tool Manager form

hmtoggle_arrow1Remove Product Tools on Tool Manager form


See also:

Tool Manager