Dental Lab Customer & Production Management

Linking a DLCPM Campaign to a Constant Contact Campaign

Linking a DLCPM Campaign to a Constant Contact Campaign

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Linking a DLCPM Campaign to a Constant Contact Campaign

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Navigation:   View > Campaign Manager > Campaign Details


 A DLCPM campaign must be linked to an existing Constant Contact campaign by selecting from the Link to Constant Contact Campaign dropdown menu.  When linking to a Constant Contact campaign, the email list will link to the PENDING (?) campaign.  


Please note:

When creating new campaigns in Constant Contact, you may need to refresh the DLCPM campaign manager to refresh the list from the drop down menu to link.

If you add additional customers into an existing DLCPM campaign, the customer contacts will transfer over before the campaign is sent to Constant Contact. Adding additional customers must be done before the campaign in Constant Contact is processed.

When a contact is manually added in Constant Contact, please note that contact will not be pulled into a DLCPM Campaign.

Linking campains


See also:

Constant Contact Integration

Setting up Constant Contact Integration

Create Constant Contact Campaign

Creating a DLCPM Campaign

Campaign Feedback