Dental Lab Customer & Production Management

Customer Sales Commissions Settings

Customer Sales Commissions Settings

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Customer Sales Commissions Settings

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On this menu the Sales Commissions can be set for a Main Sales Representative and for other additional sales person(s).

Note: Each of these settings will have effect ONLY for the selected customer. The Customer Settings form is not available unless a customer is previously selected.



In order to be able to set values in all available fields, please make sure you have data entered on following tables:

Sales Person -> Path: File > Global Settings > CRM Lists > Customers > Sales people


Navigation: Customer > Settings > Sales Commissions

V12 - Customer Settings - Sales Commissions

Customer Settings - Sales Commissions menu


Available options:

Select the Sales Person from the drop down list and enter their Sales Commission.

Pay Commission based on Schedule. If this option is selected then the Commissions Schedule grid is displayed.

hmtoggle_arrow1How to add Commission Schedule Step

hmtoggle_arrow1How to update Schedule Step

hmtoggle_arrow1How to delete Schedule Step


See also:

Customer Settings for more setup options