Three Shipping Carriers can be configured at this point in the application: UPS ,Fedex and Purolator Canada. In this menu you may enter basic details for all carriers. You also have the possibility to configure any desired settings for Pickups and Shipment for all carriers.



V11 - LL - Lab - Shipping Carrier

Laboratory form - Shipping Carriers tab



    There are following options:

1.Print logo on all carrier labels - printing logo requires 4X8 inch label

Enter Logo - Logo may not exceed 4X2 inches

Print Barcode on label - if checked the select on what label to print between Customer and Account Number.

2.Print shipment label receipt - Printing Receipt requires 4X7 inch label, combined with Logo, requires 4X9 inch label

Print Label Receipt on the bottom of the label - not supported with Novea


Lab may have following shipping account:




See also:


Settings for more options