The laboratory settings are used in a variety of places such as task scheduling or invoicing. At least one laboratory must be setup prior to using the application.
Navigation: Administrator > Settings or on Home Page > Global > Laboratory Lists > Laboratories
Laboratories Maintenance form
Click and the New Lab form will open. Laboratory form Several tabs are displayed for each Laboratory record. To add a new lab all you have to do is enter the Lab Name on General tab, but all other fields are available to be used later in application. You may want to enter all existing details at this point in order to avoid getting back each time you need a specific setting or a field to be populated. Available tabs when Lab is created:
1.Search the Laboratory record you want to update . 2.Click the (edit icon that correspond to the selected lab) and the Edit Lab form will open. 3. You can make any changes to any field by simply writing/selecting the new data in the fields or by checking/unchecking options you want to change. 4.Click on Edit Lab form and changes will be saved. |
1.Select the Laboratory you want to delete by clicking on it. Please Note: Laboratories that are in use cannot be deleted. 2.Click (delete icon that correspond to the selected lab) 3.Select YES when prompted for confirmation. Please Note: Record will be deleted from the database, but you can add it back at any time. |
See also:
Settings for more options