V11 - LL - Lab - Shipping Carrier - purolator

Laboratory form - Shipping Carriers tab - Purolator


1.Enable Purolator Shipment - check if you will use this shipment.

2.You may select the option Enable Purolator Pickups. With this option enabled, further settings for pickups become available.

You will be able to choose which would be the Default Pickup Action between: Dispatch Only or Dispatch & Schedule Shipment

If you wish to Enable Pickup Scheduling on the Web check this option. If you select this option then you will be able to make two restrictions: On the Web Only Dispatch Pickups and/or Allow Only Default Service Type on the Web

3.Fill in valid information for

Account Number

Access Key


You also need to select a Service Type that will be the default type when a shipment is scheduled. Select from the options listed in the Default Service Type drop down list.    

4.Last option is to Process in Test Mode.

5.Enter Alternative Shipping & Pickup Address

Click on V11 - Alternative shipping and pickup address

Enter new address or update from Lab address. Please Note that you will use this address for Outgoing Shipments.

Click V11 - Save


See also:


Settings for more options