Navigation:   Cases  > New or Edit Case > General tab

V11 - Case - General

General tab

Case Information

Customer ID - Customer identification number. Customer ID can be change by clicking on V11 - search and selecting a different ID. The case will be saved on the corresponding customer form.

Pan # - enter the pan number

Patient First - Patient first name

Patient Last - Patient Last name

Shade - enter Shade

Mold - enter Mold

Sex: F or M

Age : enter age

RX # - enter prescription number

Doctor Name - the customer name is set as default but you can select other doctors if there are any available

Invoicing Lab - Invoicing lab is populated with the one set on the customer form. You can change the lab by selecting one from the available list

Production Lab - Production lab is populated with the one set on the customer form. You can change the lab by selecting one from the available list

Catalog - catalog defaults to the one entered when customer was added. If there are no products added to the case, users may modify the catalog by selecting a different one from the available list.

Sales Person - defaults to the sales person added on customer form. It can also be changed if needed.

Patient Chart#

Processing Dates:

Rush - This option allows the user to prioritize the case if necessary

Date In - Defaults to the date the case was entered on. This can be changed to another date.

Due Date - Enter date when the case is due.

Ship Date - Enter date when the case will be shipped. This date cannot be after due date

TryIn Date - Enter TryIn date

Submitted on - Will be automatically populated with the date when the case is created


On Hold - Case can be set on hold for different reasons. More details on this topic

Canceled - Case can be canceled for different reasons. More details on this topic.

Date - Enter date when case was canceled or set on hold

Reason - Enter text for explaining why the case was canceled or set on hold.

Status - Case has different statues. More details on this topic.


See also:

New Case