Dental Lab Customer & Production Management

Time Clock

Time Clock

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Time Clock

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The Clock In / Clock Out module keeps track of the time spent by each employee in production, non production activities, lunch and breaks.


Please note: Please make sure that an administrator has set up the form for your needs. Some options can be added or removed in Settings > Time Clock module.


Navigation: Once logged into the application click on Time Clock Module

Time clock - navigation

Time Clock navigation

Employees Time Clock Maintenance form will be displayed.

Time clock - form - extended

Time Clock  form


hmtoggle_arrow1Clock In for Production:

hmtoggle_arrow1Clock In for Non- Production:

hmtoggle_arrow1Clock In to a different Department:

hmtoggle_arrow1Clock Out for Lunch:

hmtoggle_arrow1Clock Out for Break:

hmtoggle_arrow1Clock Out for Today:


See Also:

Technician Bench

How to create an employee