Dental Lab Customer & Production Management

Report Monitor

Report Monitor

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Report Monitor

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A powerful tool to allow projecting reports to be displayed on large TV monitors around the lab. While the new Dashboard reports are specifically designed for this purpose, all other reports may be configured to take advantage of this feature. The Report Monitor includes options to define the parameters, refresh rate, and zoom level.


Please Note: If View Reports on Screen option is checked then the reports will be displayed on the screen, otherwise you will need to select a printer in order to have the reports printed.


Navigation:   Reports > Report Monitor      

V12 - Reports Monitor - navigation

Report Monitor navigation

Following form will open:

V12 - Reports Monitor - form

Report Monitor form

hmtoggle_arrow1How to add a Report record

hmtoggle_arrow1How to update a Report

hmtoggle_arrow1How to delete a Report

hmtoggle_arrow1How to run a  Report


See also:

Reports for other information