Dental Lab Customer & Production Management

Custom Reports

Custom Reports

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Custom Reports

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The Custom Reports menu is used for lab's that create their own reports. Custom Reports are created by the lab and placed in the Custom Reports subfolder within the Reports repository on their Server. This is different than the Reports Center > Custom Reports menu, which holds custom reports the Magictouch team has created for labs. Please contact the Magictouch support team, if you intend on creating your own reports.


Please Note: If View Reports on Screen option is checked then the reports will be displayed on the screen, otherwise you will need to select a printer in order to have the reports printed.


Navigation: Reports > Custom Reports    

V12 - Custom Reports - navigation

Custom Reports Navigation

Following navigation path this form will open:


V12 - Custom Reports - form

Custom Reports form

hmtoggle_arrow1Run report


See also:

Reports for other information