Dental Lab Customer & Production Management

Outsource to Vendor

Outsource to Vendor

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Outsource to Vendor

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The Outsource to Vendor option contains the following functionality:

Update a case log when a case is outbound to an outsourced vendor or if the case is received inbound from an outsourced vendor

The inbound or outbound Tracking # is available for entry for record keeping purposes

Case status will be updated to selected status when marked as outsourced to a vendor

A packing slip is available to print when setting the outsourced vendors on cases

When using the outsource to vendor option, the Case Audit trail log will update with the date and time the case information was entered from this option

Please note:  In order to use the outsource case to vendor option, there must be a task(s) scheduled on the case that is marked for outsource to vendor.  


Navigation: Tools > Batch processing  >  Update Case Status  

V14 - Batch Processing - Outsource to Vendor - navigation

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hmtoggle_arrow1How to use the Ousource to Vendor option