Dental Lab Customer & Production Management

Customer List for Current Query

Customer List for Current Query

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Customer List for Current Query

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Customer List for Current Query is the list with all customers that correspond to the selected Query.  


Please Note: If View Reports on Screen option is checked then the reports will be displayed on the screen, otherwise you will need to select a printer in order to have the reports printed.


Navigation: Customer menu > Reports > Customer List for current Query  

Please Note: Customer menu is not available unless the Customer form is selected.

V12 - Customer Reports - Customer List for Curent Query - navigation

Customer List for current Query navigation


1.Select the customer.  

2.Select the Query that you want to display the Customers that correspond to your selection.

V12 - Customer Reports - Customer List for Curent Query - query

Customer form with Query section

3.Navigate to Customer menu > Reports > Customer List for current Query

4.The report should look like this:

V12 - Customer Reports - Customer List for Curent Query - report

Customer List for current Query report

See also:

Other Customer Reports