Dental Lab Customer & Production Management

Customer Alerts and Notifications Settings

Customer Alerts and Notifications Settings

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Customer Alerts and Notifications Settings

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Customers may want to be informed when different operations are performed. For this we have created the Alerts and Notifications menu where you can set up when and in what form the customer will be notified.            

Note: Each of these settings will effect ONLY the selected customer. The Customer Settings form is not available unless a customer is previously selected.


Navigation: Customer > Settings > Alerts and Notifications          

V14 - Customer Settings - Alerts and Notifications

Customer Settings - Alerts and Notifications menu

Available options:

Customer may be setup to receive alerts. Custom messaging can be added for each action based alert using the Global Settings > Alerts and Notifications menu.

1.During case entry and Invoicing for:  

These alerts are sent when the associated action takes place. Email Templates are not required for these alerts.

Each action will send an Email or Text alert including the following by default.

New Case is Entered - Case number and the Patient First/Last name only.

Case is Invoiced - Case number, Patient First/Last name and Shipping Carrier will be included in the alert.

Case Placed on Hold - Case Number, Patient First/Lase name and On Hold Reason will be included.

Customer Placed on COD - Only the Subject Line and Message defined in the Global Settings > Alerts and Notifications menu will be included.

2.Once at the end of the Day for:

These alerts will only be sent at the time defined in the corresponding Automation Job in the Job Management menu. These "Once at the end of the Day" alerts require an email template defined in Global Settings > Laboratory List > Laboratories > Edit Lab > Lab Templates.

Daily Inbound Cases & Shipments - includes all the cases received and shipped each day. It includes the carrier and tracking number for each case. Please use the Inbound Cases & Shipments automation job to defined settings.

All Invoices for the day in one PDF File - includes a PDF file with list of all invoices for the day. Email is sent to Billing Email if one is available. Please use the Nightly Invoices automation job to defined settings.

Send separate PDF files for each invoice - when this option is activated, all invoices will be sent to the customer with each invoice as a separate PDF file.

Note: Both alerts are optional per customer and they are automatically emailed at a designed time at the end of each day


To see How do I activate the Daily Alerts? please read the topic.


All you need to do is to check the option you wish and then select a Notification Method. You can chose between Email or Text Message. If you select Email, a valid email address is required. If you want to notify the customer through a Text message then you should enter a phone number in the SMS Cell Phone Number field and select the Service Provider from the drop down list.

You may also check both methods and the customer will receive notifications both through email and the specified cell phone number.


Click OK on the Settings form so any changes made will take effect.


See also:

Customer Settings for more setup options

Global Settings > Alerts and Notifications