Dental Lab Customer & Production Management

Chairside Calendar

Chairside Calendar

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Chairside Calendar

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Selecting Chairside Calendar option will open a new window filtering only calls entered with the type for Chairside.    


Navigation:       View > Chairside Calendar or  Left Side menu > Main > Chairside Calendar icon      

V12 - chairside calendar - navigation 1

View > Chairside Calendar


V12 - chairside calendar - navigation 2

Left Side menu > Main > Chairside Calendar icon

Following form will open:

V12 - chairside calendar - form

Chairside Calendar form

Available option:

Backward - Step back in time as suggested by the current view

Forward - Advance forward in time as suggested by the current view

Go to Today - Change the date displayed in the current view to the current date

Zoom In - Perform scaling up to display content in more detail

Zoom Out - Perform scaling down to display a broader look of the View

Day View - Switch to Day View. The most detailed view of appointments for a specific day(s).

Work Week View - Switch to the Work Week View. Detailed view for the working days in a certain week.

Full Week View - Switch to the Full Week View. Arranges appointments for a particular week in a compact form.

Month View - Switch to the Month (Multi-Week) view. Calendar view useful for long-term plans.

Agenda View -  Switch to the Agenda view. Displays a list of upcoming events.

No Grouping - Ungroup calls

Group by Date - Group appointments by date

Group by User - Group appointments by resource

Assigned to User - Assigned to User

Assigned to Department - Assigned to Department

Select - select between All Calls, Chairside Calls, Collection Calls, Retention Calls or Web Calls. By default it will be set on Chairside Calls.

Refresh - refreshes the form


On Right Click options:

New Call - Add new Call

New Patient Appointment - Add new appointment

Go To Today - Change the date to current date

Go to Date - Change the date to a specific day

Change View to - Switch view to any of the available views


See also:

Chairside Calls Manager