Dental Lab Customer & Production Management

New Appointment

New Appointment

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New Appointment

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When creating New Patient Appointments for customers, the records are saved as Call records which will default to the Chairside call type.    


Navigation:       View > Chairside Calls Manager > New Appointment or View > Chairside Calendar > Right Click > New Patient Appointment

V12 - add apointment - navigation 1

View > Chairside Calls Manager > New Appointment


V12 - add apointment - navigation 2

View > Chairside Calendar > Right Click > New Patient Appointment

Following form will open:

V12 - add apointment

Chairside Patient Appointment form

To Add Appointment :

1.Select Customer

2.Enter Appointment Date and Time. It will default to current date

3.Select Call Type from the dropdown. It will default on "Chairside"

4.Select Description

5.Enter Contact Person in Talk(ed) To field

6.You may enter Case number which will be linked to the call

7.Select User

8.Select Department

9.Click V9 - Save


See also:

Chairside Calls Manager