Dental Lab Customer & Production Management

Fulfillment Label

Fulfillment Label

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Fulfillment Label

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Fulfillment Labels can be printed after fulfillments are ordered. Please see Fulfillments on Customer form for more details about how to request fulfillments as it is covered in a different topic.

In terms of settings needed to print a Fulfillment Labels, the only requirement is to set up a Label Printer in File > Global Settings > Global > Printers form.


Please Note: If View Reports on Screen option is checked then the reports will be displayed on the screen, otherwise you will need to select a printer in order to have the reports printed.


Navigation: Reports > Fulfillment Label      

V12 - Fulfillment Label - navigation

Fulfillment Label Navigation

Following navigation path this form will open:


V12 - Fulfillment Label - form

Fulfillment Label form

hmtoggle_arrow1Print Label

hmtoggle_arrow1Mark as Printed


See also:

Reports for other information