Dental Lab Customer & Production Management

Add Discount

Add Discount

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Add Discount

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1.On Case Product form you can add a Discount by checking the Discount box.        

Note: You cannot add both Discount and Remake to a product using this method. Only time when both values can be applied is when the customer has a default discount entered in Customer Settings. then a Remake value can be also set. Otherwise you can choose either set discount or remake.

2.Once the Discount is checked the Discount, Rate and Reason field will be enable.

3.Now you have to possibilities:

I.  Add a Percentage Type Discount

V12 - Add percentage discount while adding single product to case

Add Discount to the products as Percentage

Select a Discount from the drop down list.

Rate will be added automatically and cannot be changed.

Note: Next to the Rate field is the "%"(percentage) sign which will confirm that the selected Discount has Percentage type.

Enter Reason why will be this discount applied.


  II. Add a Flat Amount Type Discount

V12 - Add dicount while adding single product to case

Add Discount to the products as First Case Discount

Select a Discount from the drop down list.

Enter Rate value. This can be any value that is less than the Product's Unit Price. You cannot offer a greater discount than the initial price of the product.

Note: Next to the Rate field is the "$" (dollar) sign which will confirm that the selected Discount has Flat Amount type.

Enter Reason why will be this discount applied.


Please Note:

Discount values are added in File > Global Settings > Global > Laboratory Lists > Discounts  

Reason values are set in File > Global Settings > Global > Laboratory Lists > Reasons with For Discount option checked.