Dental Lab Customer & Production Management

Apply Additional Product/Quantity Discount

Apply Additional Product/Quantity Discount

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Apply Additional Product/Quantity Discount

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1.On Case Product form you can add Additional Product/Quantity Discount by checking the Apply Additional Product/Quantity Discount box.        

2.Once the Discount is checked the Discount, Rate and Reason field will be enable.

3.Now you have to possibilities:

I.  Add a Percentage Type Discount

V12 - additional discount - percentage

Add Discount to the products as Percentage

Select a Discount from the drop down list.

Rate will be added automatically and cannot be changed.

Note: Next to the Rate field is the "%"(percentage) sign which will confirm that the selected Discount has Percentage type.

Enter Reason why will be this discount applied.


  II. Add a Flat Amount Type Discount

V12 - additional discount - flat amount

Add Discount to the products as First Case Discount

Select a Discount from the drop down list.

Enter Rate value. This can be any value that is less than the Product's Unit Price. You cannot offer a greater discount than the initial price of the product.

Note: Next to the Rate field is the "$" (dollar) sign which will confirm that the selected Discount has Flat Amount type.

Enter Reason why will be this discount applied.


Please Note:

Discount values are added in File > Global Settings > Global > Laboratory Lists > Discounts  

Reason values are set in File > Global Settings > Global > Laboratory Lists > Reasons with For Discount option checked.