Usage:   Tasks tab displays the list of corresponding tasks for each added product. Tasks are usually added to the product before the product is added to the case, but DLCPM allows user to add, edit or remove tasks even after case creation.



Customer > Cases OR Case Finder > Select Case > Tasks tab


V12 - case tab - tasks

Tasks tab

Available options:

Add Tasks

1.Click New Task.  

2.New Case Task form displays

V12 - case tab - tasks - add task

New Case Task

3.Select the Product ID from the drop down for which you want to add the new Task. Note that only the products added to the case are available.

4.Click on V11 - search  to select the Task you want to add

5.Enter Sequence

6.Enter Unit value.

7.Select a Production Lab from the drop down list if the laboratory where this task will be completed is other than the default Lab.

8.Enter info like Due Date, QC Rating and QC Date.

9.Assign the task or make it complete if the task has already been completed by someone.

10.Check Ignore product quantity (Flat Rate) box if this task requires only a flat rate. 

11. Check the Vital To Scan box if this task needs to be scanned before going further with the product manufacturing.

12. Check the Vital To Invoice box if this task needs to be scanned before going further with the product manufacturing.

13. Enter Lot Number

14.Click V11 - Save in order to save the record.

Edit tasks

1.Select the Task you want to update  

2.Click Edit Task

3.Edit Case Tasks form displays

4.Make the necessary changes

5.Click V11 - Save to save the updates.

Delete Tasks

1.Select the Task you want to Delete  

2.Click Delete Task .

3.Select Yes when asked for confirmation.

Complete Tasks

1.Select the Task you want to Complete  

2.Click Complete Task or open task to Edit and check Complete and V11 - Save

3.Enter Technician ID .

4.Click V11 - Save for confirmation

5.Once the task is Completed a new record will be created in Tasks History tab

Reject Tasks

1.Select the Task you want to Reject.

Note: Make sure it is a completed task, otherwise this option is not available.

V12 - case tab - tasks - reject task

Reject Task option

2.Click Reject Task

3.Enter Reject Units and the amount that will still be paid for the rejected task. It can be a Flat Amount, or a Percentage from the Task Pay Rate displayed there.

4.Click Reject for confirmation.

See also:

Find Case

Create case