Dental Lab Customer & Production Management

Invoicing Print Options

Invoicing Print Options

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Invoicing Print Options

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This option allows users to set the printing option for printable documents after invoicing. This option also allows users to over-write the Global Settings.


Navigation:   File > Personal Settings > Case Options > Invoicing  

V12 - Case Option - Invoicing

Case Invoicing


Available options for:

Select between Using the Global Settings or Overwrite those settings for printing the following:

Automatically Print Invoice when Invoicing the Case

Automatically Print Case Label when Invoicing the Case

Automatically Print Packing Slip when Invoicing

Automatically Print Material Traceability when Invoicing


If you overwrite the Global Settings then you can choose for all three options between whether you wish to Automatically print orders or labels, depending on the option, or not.


See Also:

Case Entry Print Options

Shipping Print Options