Dental Lab Customer & Production Management

Inventory Depletion

Inventory Depletion

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Inventory Depletion

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In the Job Management, there is an automated job called Inventory Depletion for Invoiced Cases. The schedule tab is where you will configure the frequency and other settings for the job to run. By default, the job is set to run every day at 10:00 PM at the laboratories local time. The ‘Start Job On’ date should be set and the job will need to be marked as Active to follow this frequency.


Navigation:   Automated Services from the Side Bar menu and then Click Job Management option.  

V12 - Job Management - navigation

Job Management

The following form will open:

V12 - Job Manegement - inventory Depletion

Job Management form

Please Note: Inventory Depletion for Invoiced Cases job is designed to reduce inventory for invoiced cases each day and should be scheduled to run before midnight each day.  The Inventory Depletion for Invoice Cases job should not be scheduled to run during the day.


See also:

Inventory Management