Dental Lab Customer & Production Management

Inventory Process Error Alert

Inventory Process Error Alert

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Inventory Process Error Alert

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In the Job Management, there is an automation job called Inventory Process Error Alert that run at your desired frequency within the job details that will provide an epop notification when there are cases that failed and should be addressed.


Navigation:   Automated Services from the Side Bar menu and then Click Job Management option.  

V12 - Job Management - navigation

Job Management

The following form will open:

V14 - Inventory Process Error Alert

Job Management form


 When inventory items are added onto the case and processed for consumption, item custody or on hand quantity if effected. There could be a number of reasons a case fails to process the inventory items added onto a case and the bottom section is where the explanation will display.

 For example, if there are items entered on a case, where the selected technician or location does not have enough custody for the item, it will fall into the unprocessed list status.

 Any cases that fall into the unprocessed cases list, should be corrected by identifying the technician or location that used the item, processing a checkout transaction to that location or technician to ensure the logs reflect correctly for consumption.


See also:

Inventory Management