Dental Lab Customer & Production Management

E-mail Complaint

E-mail Complaint

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E-mail Complaint

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Customer complaint can be emailed easily while it is registered or modified.    


Navigation : To open the Customer Complaint Investigation form you can either  

register a new complaint from the Cases form,    

or navigate to the Customer Complaint Manager form and open an existing complaint (Complaint Manager in the Main menu or open the Customer form first > select a customer > then navigate to Customer menu > Customer Complaints ) .


How to E-mail a Complaint:

1.Following navigation path open Customer Complaint Investigation form.

2.Click on the V9 - E-mail - 1 button.

3.The E-mail Customer Complaint form appears:

V12 - Customer Complaint -  email complaint

E-mail Customer Complaint form

4.Enter e-mail address in E-mail to field

5.Enter Subject.

6.Click OK to send.


See Also:

Complaint Manager

Register Complaint