Dental Lab Customer & Production Management

Add Customer to a Campaign

Add Customer to a Campaign

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Add Customer to a Campaign

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In order to be able to add a Customer to a Campaign, please make sure you have at least one Campaign and one Customer entered in DLCPM. There are two ways to link a customer with a campaign: you can either select the customer and add it to a campaign, or you can select the campaign first and then add it to a customer.



To add the selected Customer to a Campaign

Customers on the left side menu bar > Find the customer you want to add to a Campaign > Click on Customer  in the upper menu bar > Add Customer to a Campaign  


V12 - add customer to a campaign - navigation

Add Customer to a Campaign navigation

To add the Customer to a selected Campaign

Marketing on the left menu bar > Campaigns > Select the campaign > Click on second tab called Members > Add Customer button

V12 - Add customer to a selected campaign - navigation

Add Customer to a Campaign navigation

hmtoggle_arrow1How to add a selected Customer to a Campaign?

hmtoggle_arrow1How to add Customer to a selected Campaign?

hmtoggle_arrow1Where do I see added Campaigns on Customer form?

hmtoggle_arrow1How to remove a Customer from a Campaign?


See also:

How to add a Campaign