A case can be UnInvoiced only after it was Invoiced. To Invoice a case see How to Invoice topic
Once you have the case with the products added and is already invoiced you can Uninvoice it at any time.
Please Note: Changing the status of the case to Invoiced does not actually Invoice the case.
Navigation: Customer > Cases tab > UnInvoice Case
Cases form with Uninvoice option
1.Select the case you want to uninvoice by clicking on it in Customer > Cases tab . Please Note: The case must have Invoiced status, or the status set for the invoiced case. 2.Click on Un-Invoice Case under Options icon. 3.Confirmation will be required, so select Yes when you are asked if you are sure you want to uninvoice this case. 4.Case is uninvoiced. Please Note: Invoiced date and Invoiced by fields are cleared. |
If the case is invoiced you can open it for editing but you are not allowed to make any changes. Though you can univoice it. 1.Select the Invoiced case and click on Edit Case button. 2.Case form will open. 3.Click on Invoice and Totals tab on Cases form and Click on UnInvoice Case. 4.Confirmation will be required, so select Yes when you are asked if you are sure you want to uninvoice this case. 5.Case is uninvoiced. Please Note: Invoiced date and Invoiced by fields are cleared. |
See also: