Dental Lab Customer & Production Management

View Pickups

View Pickups

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View Pickups

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Navigation:   Main > Pickups > View Pickups

View pickups - navigation

View Pickup navigation

Following form displays:

View Pickups - form

View form

To View Pickup:

1.Following navigation path open View Pickup form

2.From View Pickups, you may view the following information for all listed pickups:

Pickup ID

Scheduled date

Pickup Date

Pickup time (From – To)



Tracking Number

3.From this page, you may also request a new pickup as well as access the following actions on each listed pickup:

Void Pickup - Void pickup

View/Print Label - Print label

Pickup Notes - Pickup notes


Please note: It is important to note, that your account’s default shipping method will determine whether the pickup that is scheduled or requested will be either a Local Pickup request or a Carrier pickup.


See also:

Customer Portal
