Dental Lab Customer & Production Management

Request Pickup

Request Pickup

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Request Pickup

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Navigation:   Main > Pickups > Schedule Pickups

Request Pickup - navigation

Schedule Pickup navigation

Following form displays:

Request Pickup - form

Schedule Pickup form

To Schedule Pickup:

1.Following navigation path open Schedule Pickup form

2.You will need to complete the following:

Service Center

Service Type for Carrier shipping

Route for Local shipping

Pickup Date

Pickup Time From

Pickup Time To

Number of Packages

Total Weight


3.Once all information has been completed, select Schedule pickup and you will receive an on-screen dialogue confirming the pickup request.

4.Depending on how the laboratory has provided access for carrier pickups, you will receive a confirmation dialogue that the pickup has been successfully requested or scheduled.

5.If the pickup has been scheduled, the dialogue will display an option to Print the shipping label.

6.For pickups with tracking numbers, you can also click on the tracking to view its status on the carrier’s website.


See also:

Customer Portal
