Today's Invoices report is a list will all cases invoiced on current date.
In terms of settings needed to print an invoice you only need to set up a Invoice Printer in File > Global Settings > Global > Printers form.
1.Navigate to Customer > 4. Cases form or Case Finder. 2.Print the order. Click on the Print Icon on cases form and select Today's Invoices Combined. Today's Invoices Combined navigation |
The following information will display on the Invoice:
Today's Invoices Combined 1.Doctor's details like name and address. 2.CustomerID, Invoice date. 3.The list with the Invoices with corresponding products. 4.Invoice notes if there were any 5.Prices are displayed for each invoice separately. ➢State, City Tax - is calculated as a sum of the Sub totals of each product that is Taxable if there is a Tax set in Customer > Settings > General form. To set the Taxable option to a product you have to go to Products form, select the product you need and check the Taxable option. Note: If there is no Tax set in Customer > Settings > General form, then this field will not be displayed since all Taxable products will be added to the Non Taxable Amount value. ➢Invoice Total: The amount of dollars that are invoiced. It is calculated as the sum of the Invoice subtotal value and the Tax value that was applied 6.Total Number of Invoices 7.Customer Total Charges: sum of all invoices. |
See Also:
Print other documents