Dental Lab Customer & Production Management



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Use the Settings module to set various global preferences for Route Manager.


Please Note: This Module can be accessed ONLY by administrator. User and password are required to access this form.

Please Note: Setting module can be accessed even before logging in. However an administrator user still needs to log in to make changes.


Navigation: Once logged into the application click on Settings Module

Settings - navigation 1

Settings navigation

Local Settings are available in each module. Options are different depending on which module you are in and are View Only. Changes cannot be made in Local Settings.

Local Settings - navigation

Local Settings


Following form will be displayed:

Rm - Settings - form

Settings form



hmtoggle_arrow1Drivers and Routes

hmtoggle_arrow1Pickup and Deliveries


hmtoggle_arrow1Tracking & Route Planning

hmtoggle_arrow1Active User