Dental Lab Customer & Production Management

Global Search

Global Search

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Global Search

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Navigation:     Tools > Global Search    

V12 - Global Search - navigation

Global Search navigation

Following form will open:

V12 - Global Search - form

Global Search form

To Search:


1.Enter text.

2.Check Exact Match to find only the text that has the exact words you typed.

3.Search In: select between All Records, Cases, Calls, Correspondence, Customer

4.Enter Customer by clicking on V9 - Edit - short button. If you select a customer then the text you enter will be searched Only in the selected customer's records.

5.Select Customer Query. To remove anu selected query from the dropdown, just click on V9 - Delete - short button

6.Click V9 - Search. Results will be displayed.

7.You can click on the link of each record that was found and the corresponding form will open (Cases with the selected case, Calls and so on)

8.V9 - export records - Before attempting to Export, please make sure ti create a template in Advanced Export with the desired fields. The export template must be created for Customers, Calls or Cases. Other tables are not supported.