Dental Lab Customer & Production Management

Digital Design Approval

Digital Design Approval

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Digital Design Approval

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 This feature is designed so laboratories can add an attachment to a case then send request for Approval to the customer. Upon requesting a design approval, an email will be sent to the customer with a link to view the design file and approve. The link contains a special token which will automatically log the customer in and take them to the design approval.


There are several steps to setup this feature:

Navigate to Marketing > E-mail Templates and copy the template to another folder before editing. Make any desired changes to the template.

Please note: In this template, it is imperative that text within any brackets must remain the same. Edits made to the text within any brackets will prevent the template from merging the correct information in those fields.

Navigate to Global Settings > Laboratory Lists > Laboratories and edit the lab that you want to send design approvals from. On the Lab Templates tab, add the 'Design Approval' template.

Navigate to Global Settings > Laboratory Lists > Laboratories and edit the lab that you want to send design approvals from. On the Settings tab, under the 'Customer Portal' section, ensure that a valid Customer Portal URL is defined.

In the Customer Portal Management Console, there is an option under the Alerts section for Case Document Approval. The user or members of the selected group will receive a notification when a customer accepts or rejects a design.

On the Attachments tab of the Case Finder and Customer > 4. Cases forms, there is a grid for “Design Approvals” that will display the requests for each document and whether they were approved or rejected.

On the Attachments tab of the Case Finder and Customer > 4. Cases forms, you can select an attachment and click the Request Design Approval button to initiate a design approval. If desired, you can enter multiple comma separated email recipients in the 'Send To:' field.

Please note: The Digital Design Approval feature allows users to select and submit multiple files for case design approval from the Attachments tab. All documents included in the design approval request will be listed in the Lab Notes section. To select multiple attachments, hold the 'Ctrl' key and click each attachment.