Dental Lab Customer & Production Management

Change Product Prices

Change Product Prices

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Change Product Prices

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This feature allows Administrator users to process different types of Product Prices changes in batches.


Please Note: To access the menu option, the user must have the policy to access the Administrator's Menu Options.


Navigation: Administrator > Utilities > Change Product Prices

Change Product Prices - navigation

Change Product Prices navigation


1.The first required selection is to increase or decrease the prices, and then enter the rate.

2.Next, the user would then need to choose the type of prices to update between Main Products (default price), Catalog Products, Special Prices.

3.Lastly, the user will select by how much the recalculation should round to, using the Round to drop down menu.

Change Product Prices - 1

Change Product Prices form


4.After all configuration is set, the user may click on the Preview Simulation button to view a list of products that will be affected by the change, with their Old Price, and their New proposed Price for review.

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Preview Simulation

5.Once the preview has been loaded, the Apply New Prices... button is enabled and upon clicking this option, the Product's Prices would be updated.

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Update Prices

6.After applying the new prices to the products, the Undo to Initial Prices button is enabled, providing the user a chance to undo the change(s) that was just processed.

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Undo Prices

Please note: Once the user closes the form, they will not be able to select the option for Undo to Initial Prices and all updates are FINAL. It is recommended Admins ONLY process these updates after main laboratory hours.


See also:

Administrator for more options