Dental Lab Customer & Production Management

Application Security Policies

Application Security Policies

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Application Security Policies

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Security Policies:

There are a number of security groups to provide additional flexibility. Some of the options shared one security group but now they are broken down. If users are not able to perform certain functions, please be sure to review the list below and add them to the appropriate groups.


To access application securities:

1. Navigate to Administrator > System Admin Program  

2. From the left panel, click Security Policies > Application Policies

3. Click on the + sign and select the desired Category

4. Click on each Category to see options

5. Double click on each option, add or remove members from the option


Here is a complete list of application security groups:    



Accounting - General Accounting Options  - Allows access to Accounting drop-down in top menu bar and adds the ability to Post Adjustments in the 5. Accounting tab of customer records.

ApplyCredit - Apply Credit Memos

Create Statements - Create and Process Statements

DeletePayment - Delete Payments

Edit Credit Hold - Allow users to access 'On Credit Hold' checkbox

ModifyCredit  - Open or Modify Credit Memos

ModifyPayment - Modify Payments

PostPayment - Post Payments

Process Statements - Process Statements

QB Transfer - Run QuickBooks Transfer

ReCreate Statements - Re-Create Statements or Re-Generate PDF files

Run Autopay - Run regular or Month-End Autopay

ViewCredits - View Credit Memos

ViewPayments - View Payments

VoidPayment - Void Payments

VoidPymt ReCreateSt  - Void Payment and Re-CreateStatement



Admin Program - Admin Program & Menu Options

Automated Srvs - Automated Services (Sidebar)

General Emails - Allow Access to View General Emails

Job Batch Report - Allow Access to Job Processor Batch Reports

Release Soft Locks - Allow Access to Release Software Locks

Report Monitor - Allow Access to Report Monitor

Report Security - Allow Access to Configure Report Security

ReProcess Email - Allow Access to Re-Process Failed Emails

ScannerConfig - Scanner Configuration



Call Manager - Call Management, View other user or department calls

Delete Calls - Delete Calls

Modify Notes - Modify/Delete Call Notes

Web Calls - View Web Calls Manager



Add Case - Add New Case

Allow Edit Metal WT - Allow entering Metal Weight without Scale

Batch Invoice - Allow Batch Invoicing

Batch Print Case Doc - Allow Batch Print Case Documents

Batch Print Invoice - Allow Batch Print Invoices

CaseAlerts - Add/Edit Case and Customer Alerts

Change Invoicing Lab - Allow changing Invoicing Lab

Change Sales Person - Allow changing Sales Person

Change Warranty Date - Allow to change the Warranty Expiration Date

Complete Reject Task - Complete or Rejects Case Tasks

Complete Task - Complete Case Tasks

Confirm Invoice Case - Require Confirmation when Invoicing a Case

Credit Case - Create Credit Memo & Credit Case

Delete Alerts - Delete Case Alerts

Delete Case - Delete Case

DeleteCaseDocuments - Delete Case Documents

Discount - Apply or Change Discount on the Case

Edit Case - Edit Case

Edit Invoiced Case - Edit Case after Invoiced

Edit PO Number - Allow Editing PO Number on the Invoice Page

EditCaseDetail - Modify Case Products, Enclosures, and Schedule

Invoice Case - Invoice Case

Invoice COD Case - Invoice Cases for COD Customers

Invoice Notes - Add or Modify Invoice Notes

Overwrite Prefs - Allow modifying Case Instructions

Prices - Modify Case Product Prices

Reject Task - Reject Case Tasks

Remake - Apply or Change Case Remake Discount

Remake Case - Add Remake Case

UnInvoice Case - Un-Invoice Case


Case Tasks

AssignMultipleTasks - Allow Assigning Multiple Tasks

Mask Pay Rate - Do not Show Pay Rates in Grids



Compl AttachmentPage - Enable Attachment Page

Compl EvaluationPage - Enable Evaluation Page

Compl LogPage - Enable Log Page

Compl QAReviewPage - Enable QA Review Page

Compl StatusPage - Enable Status Page

Compl SubmissionPage - Enable Submission Page

Complaint Admin - Customer Complaints Complete Control

Complaint Delete - Delete Customer Complaints

Complaint Edit Notes - Enable editing the complaint notes



Active Checkbox - Access to Activate or Deactivate Customer

Add Customer -  Add New Customer or Prospect

Alter CustID - Change Customer ID

Correspondence - Add/Edit Customer Correspondence

Credit Limit - Access to change Credit Limit

CustAlerts - View/Edit Customer Settings Alerts Page

CustAutoPay - View/Edit Customer Settings AutoPay Page

CustComm - View/Edit Customer Settings Commissions Page

CustCreditCard - View/Edit Customer Settings Credit Cards Page

CustCreditCardView - View Partial Credit Cards

CustGeneral - View/Edit Customer Settings General Page

Customer View - Open Customer View

CustPrefAdd - Add Customer Preferences

CustPrefDelete - Delete Customer Preferences

CustPrefEdit -  Edit Customer Preferences

CustPrefView - View Customer Preferences

CustProfile - Add/Edit Customer Profile

CustSpclPrices - Edit Customer Special Prices

CustTaxes - Edit Customer Taxes

Delete Attachments - Delete Customer Attachments

Delete Letters - Delete Letters

DeleteCorresp - Delete Customer Correspondence

DeleteCustomers - Delete or Purge Customer

DeleteDeliveries - Delete Deliveries

DeleteEduc - Delete Education

DeleteFulfill - Delete Fulfillments

DeletePickups - Delete Pick-ups

DeletePracDoctors - Delete Practice Doctors

DeleteProfile - Delete Customer Profile

Edit Attachments - Add/Edit Customer Attachments

Edit BA Account ID - Allow changing Billing Account ID

Edit Office Hours - Edit Office Hours

Education - Add/Edit Customer Education Courses

Export Restriction - Restrict Exporting the Customers

Fulfillments -  Add/Edit Customer Fulfillments

Hide Accounting Tab - Hide Accounting Page on Customer Form

Hide Cases Tab - Hide Cases Page on Customer Form

Hide Sales Tab - Hide Sales Page on Customer Form

Lab Settings - Lab Settings in Customer Setting

Link or Unlink PD - Link or Unlink Practice Doctors

Local Docs - Local Documents Access

Pickups - Add/Edit Customer Pickups

PracticeDoctor Add - Add Practice Doctors

PracticeDoctor Edit - Edit Practice Doctors

Purchase Orders - Access to Customer Purchase Orders

Team Prefs - Access to Customer Team Preferences

Technician Prefs - Access to Customer Technician Preferences

Use Stats - View Live Statistics

View Attachments - View Customer Attachments

Volume Discounts - Access to Customer Volume Discounts


Customer Portal

EditWebCredential - Edit Customer Portal Credential



Employees - Manage Employee records

Employees Time Clock - Manage Employee's Time Clock records



Inventory Adj - Tools, Inventory, Maintenance, Adjustments

Inventory CheckOut - Tools, Inventory, Maintenance, Check Out

Inventory POs - Tools, Inventory, Purchase Orders

Inventory Vendors - Tools, Inventory, Vendors


Load Scheduling

Load Scheduling - Access to LSA View & LSA Dashboard



Broadcast Email - Access to Broadcast E-Mail (Sidebar)

Campaign Manager - Access to Campaign Manager (Sidebar)

EMail Templates - Access to E-Mail Templates (Sidebar)

Marketing - Access to Marketing page(Sidebar)

Mass Printing - Access to Mass Printing (Sidebar)

WordPro Documents - Access to WordPro Documents (Sidebar)



Calls Analysis - Allow Access to Calls Analysis Report

Dashboard Access - Allow access to Dashboard on the Sidebar

ReportsRestrictAll - Restrict users running reports

Sales Analysis - Allow Access to Sales Analysis Report



CRM Settings - Master Settings, CRM

Employees - Employees File

Global Accounting - Master Settings, Global, Accounting

Global Alerts - Master Settings, Global, Alerts

Global AutoServ - Master Settings, Global, Automation Server

Global Calls - Master Settings, Global, Calls

Global Carriers - Master Settings, Global, Shipping Carriers

Global Case Options - Master Settings, Global, Case Options

Global Case Scores - Master Settings, Global, Case Scores

Global Change Lab ID - Global Settings, Change Lab ID

Global Commission - Master Settings, Global, Sales Commission

Global Currency - Master Settings, Global, Currency

Global DAMAS - Master Settings, Global, DAMAS

Global DDX - Master Settings, Global, DDX

Global Email - Master Settings, Global, E-Mail

Global General - Master Settings, Global, General

Global Inventory - Master Settings, Global, Inventory

Global Lab Lists - Master Settings, Global, Laboratory Lists

Global Merchant - Global Settings, Merchant Accounts

Global Misc - Master Settings, Global, Misc.

Global Printers - Master Settings, Global, Printers

Global Products - Master Settings, Global, Products

Global Settings - Master Settings, Global Root Access

Global Telephony - Master Settings, Global, Telephony

Global Vol Discount - Master Settings, Global, Volume Discount


Shipping Manager

Shipping Manager - Access to Shipping Manager

Shipping Manager COD - Shipping Manager, Allow Remove or Change COD Amount