Dental Lab Customer & Production Management

Delete Case

Delete Case

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Delete Case

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 If a user selects to delete a case that has inventory items added where consumption has been processed, users will be prompted on what should be done when deleting the case.


When a case is selected to be deleted, the following prompt will display:

Delete case

Create Adjustment to Compensate for Inventory Transactions


1.All inventory items that were entered and processed on the given case will display within the grid for modification.

2.You may select however many units of each inventory item can be placed back into inventory that are reusable and which items have been consumed & cannot be placed back into inventory.

Delete case - 1

Reusable = On confirmation to delete the case, the total quantity in this column will delete the processing record from of consumption from the case to increase the on hand quantity or custody of the item.

Consumed = On confirmation to delete the case, the total quantity in this column will create an adjustment to account for the consumed item versus logging the referenced case for consumption.

3. If all inventory items and total quantity are reusable, you may select the option for Everything can be reused instead of populating the items one by one within the grid.

4.If none of the inventory items are reusable, you may select the option for Nothing can be reused and all items will populate with the total quantity in the Consumed column.

Delete case - 2

5.If all inventory item transactions should be deleted along with the case instead of creating any adjustments for proper tracking, do not make any modifications within the grid and simply check the option at the bottom of the form and select Delete Case.

Delete case - 3

6.Any adjustments created from this process will display in the adjustments transaction log with the reason listed for Deleted Case and the notes of the adjustment will list the case number this adjustment was created for.


See Also:

Inventory Management