Production Methods are used to define a set of tasks for each product.
Navigation: Administrator > Settings or on Home Page, then Global > Products & Tasks Lists > Production Methods
Catalog Products Maintenance form
You can create a new catalog or you can duplicate an existing one. •Create a new Catalog using Add button: 1.Click 2.Enter the new Method name. Additionally, check the 'Active' box. 3.Click Please Note: At this point only the Production Method name was defined. Tasks will need to be added to the Production Method from the Product Tasks menu. |
1.Select the Production Method you want to update by clicking on it. 2.Click 3.From this form you can update the Method name, or mark the Method as Active/Inactive. 4.Click Please Note: You are only able to change a Production Method's name if it is not in use. |
1.Select the Production Method you want to delete by clicking on it in the grid. 2.Click 3.Select OK when prompted for confirmation. Please Note: You are only able to delete a Production Method if it is not in use. |
See also: