To enter a new payment click the Post Payment button on the Accounting tab on the Customer form or the Receive Payment on the Main menu. If the first navigation option is selected then the Post Payment form will display and the Customer name will populate with the customer information corresponding to the customer record selected. If the second navigation option is selected, Select a Customer for this payment form is displayed first and only after a customer is selected may you proceed with posting a payment.
Each of the following navigation path will get you to the Post Payment form:
➢ Select the customer for which payment will be posted to then on Accounting click on Post Payment
➢Select the customer for which payment will be posted to then on Accounting > Payment click on Post Payment
➢ In the Main menu click on and then select the Customer for which the payment will be posted to
The Post Payment form will display:
Post Payments form
On the Post Payment form 1.Customer Id - is already populated with selected customer. 2.Select Check Payment, Direct Deposit, Cash 3.Select Credit Card or enter a new CC and all it's corresponding info such as: Card Number, Expiration Date, Verification Code and Authorized by. Note: If you pay using a Credit Card then you may check the Save Credit Card option after you enter the card information. This way the next time this customer wishes to pay with the same credit card you simply check the Use CC on File option and select the credit card from the drop-down list. 4.Payment Date - is already populated with the current date but can be changed if necessary 5.Payment Amount - You have four options: ➢Pay All - will pay the total amount. ➢Pay None - nothing will be payed ➢Pay Due Now - you will pay everything that is due at that moment. ➢Pay Total Balance - will pay the total balance amount. ➢Apply - you can enter the amount you wish to pay. 6.Next is the Name and Address. It will default from the customer but you can change it if the billing address is different. 7.The list with all invoices are displayed in the grid. you have a checkbox before each invoice to select it if is ready for payment. 8.Enter any Payment Notes if necessary 9.Click |
See also: