Users may compose an email or select from an existing template. It is highly recommended that someone in the Lab creates the required templates in advance, spell check, and proof it so it is ready for everyone to use.
Navigation Administrator > Settings or on Home Page > Global > E-mail Templates
Email Templates Manager
The templates found under System Template will be replaced or updated during future upgrades. When using these templates, please create your own with a different name.
The templates may be organized by creating folders 1.Right click on the root folder called “Documents” 2. Select New Folder. Please Note: ➢ You may also Delete or Rename an existing template or folder. ➢ You may create sub-folder within a selected folder as well. |
There are 3 ways to make your own template. ➢Rename Option: 1.Simply right click on the template that you would like to customize and rename it to something else. For example, if the template is called Daily Alerts, you can rename it to My Daily Alert. ➢Copy the template: 1.Navigate to the System Template and open the desired template. 2.Press Ctrl+A to select all, Ctrl+C to copy 3.Close the system template. 4.Create a new folder or point to an existing folder. 5.Right click to create a new Template which will open a blank form. New Template form 6.Press Ctrl+V to paste the copied template 7.Click the Save button. 8.Give your template a name. 9.Follow the instruction to assign this newly created template to your Lab. ➢Add a new one 1.Select the desired folder where the template will get created 2.Right click on the folder and select New Template New Template form 3.All you need to enter is a Subject and the desired text in the email body, you may Save the template and use it at any time.
You may also use any of the following options that are available when creating templates:
➢ Click on “Add Merge Field” to select from any available fields. The mail merge is a very useful feature allowing you to personalize the email as opposed to a generic email. For example, instead of saying “Dear Doctor,” you may insert a merge field which looks like “Dear <<?Customers.CustomerFullName?>>,”. When an email is sent, the merge field is automatically changed to the respective Customer name. *Please note: Your email will not look professional if the merge field is blank ➢Add Merge Field ➢ If you would like to see how the email will look before actually sending it, click on the Preview button. ➢Merge Preview ➢ You may send attachments by simply clicking on the attach button and attach any desired documents. ➢Attach ➢ When sending a broadcast email, it is always a good idea to send a test email to make sure it looks the way you had intended. You may also find and remove some words which might cause the email to be trapped by junk mail filter. ➢Send Test ➢ If you wish to print the email click on print. ➢ The template editor is a HTML editor allowing basic editing functions such as font, color and so on. You may embed an image, link an image, add hyperlink, and so on. You may edit the templates at a later time by selecting the template and clicking open. ➢Available Tools ➢ Once you are done editing the template, click Save and your template will be saved in the selected folder. ➢Save
You may edit the templates at a later time by right clicking on the template and selecting Open Email Template. |
See also