On the Credit Cards menu you can enter customer credit card details so you will not have to collect the credit card information every time a payment is to be processed. You have the possibility to enter as many credit cards as you wish and you may also set one record as the default Credit Card.
Please Note: Each of these settings will effect ONLY the selected customer. The Customer Settings form is not available unless a customer is previously selected.
Navigation: Administrator > Customer Settings or on Home Page > Credit Cards
Customer Settings - Credit Cards menu
1.Click and the New Credit Card form will open. The Address is automatically populated with all of the details entered on Customer form but you can change any field if necessary. 2.Fill in the Credit Card Number, The Expiration date (the first drop down list is to select the month and the second drop down list is to select the year) and the Verification Code that is located on the back of the card. 3.If you would like the Credit Card you are entering to be the default credit card when payments are processed, just check the Make this Default Credit Card option. 4.Click when all of the information is entered to save the record. |
1.Select the Credit Card you want to update by clicking on it 2.Click and the Edit Credit Card form will open 3.Make any necessary changes 4.Click Save for the changes to apply |
1.Select the Credit Card you want to delete by clicking on it 2.Click 3.Select YES when prompted for confirmation to delete the credit card Note: The record will be deleted from the database, but you can add it back at any time |
See also: